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DSB-SC AM Generation: A Carrier-Free Approach


DSB-SC AM Generation: A Carrier-Free Approach


Double-Sideband Suppressed Carrier (DSB-SC) AM is like a minimalist painting—stripped of unnecessary elements. Let’s explore this intriguing technique.

Diagram showing a message signal and its corresponding double sideband suppressed carrier (DSBSC) modulated signal over time.


  1. What is DSB-SC AM?

    • DSB-SC removes the carrier component entirely.
    • Only the sidebands (upper and lower) remain.
    • Achieved by multiplying the modulating signal with the carrier.
  2. Advantages:

    • Bandwidth Efficiency:
      • DSB-SC uses less bandwidth because it discards the carrier.
      • Ideal for efficient transmission in telecommunication systems.
  3. Limitations:

    • No Carrier Information:
      • DSB-SC sacrifices carrier information.
      • Not suitable for applications requiring carrier recovery.


DSB-SC AM challenges conventions, but its elegance lies in simplicity. It’s a niche technique with practical applications

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