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Intel 8086 Microprocessor Instruction Set: A Guide for Programming and Operations

 Intel 8086 Microprocessor: Instruction Set and Programming

The Intel 8086 microprocessor is known not only for its advanced architecture but also for its rich instruction set, which allows it to perform a wide variety of operations efficiently. Understanding how to program the 8086 involves knowing the types of instructions it supports and how these instructions interact with the processor’s components, such as registers and memory.

In this article, we’ll dive into the instruction set of the 8086 microprocessor and explore how it is used in programming.


The Instruction Set of the Intel 8086

The instruction set of the 8086 microprocessor is the collection of instructions the processor can execute. These instructions are categorized into several groups based on the type of operation they perform. Each instruction typically involves the use of registers, memory, or immediate data.

The main categories of instructions include:

  • Data Transfer Instructions
  • Arithmetic Instructions
  • Logical Instructions
  • Control Transfer Instructions
  • String Manipulation Instructions

    1. Data Transfer Instructions

    Data transfer instructions move data from one location to another, either between registers, memory, or input/output devices. These instructions are crucial for any program as they enable the manipulation and movement of data throughout the system.

    Common data transfer instructions include:

  • MOV: Moves data from one register or memory location to another.
  • PUSH/POP: Pushes data onto the stack and pops data from the stack.
  • IN/OUT: Handles input and output operations for communication with external devices.


MOV AX, BX  ; Move the contents of BX into AX
MOV [SI], AX ; Move the contents of AX into the memory location pointed to by SI

In these examples, the MOV instruction is used to transfer data between registers and from a register to memory.

2. Arithmetic Instructions

The arithmetic instructions of the 8086 handle mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations can be performed on data stored in registers or memory locations.

Some key arithmetic instructions include:

  • ADD: Adds two values.
  • SUB: Subtracts one value from another.
  • MUL/IMUL: Multiplies unsigned/signed integers.
  • DIV/IDIV: Divides unsigned/signed integers.


ADD AX, BX  ; Add the contents of BX to AX
SUB CX, DX  ; Subtract the contents of DX from CX


In this example, the ADD and SUB instructions are used to perform basic arithmetic operations.

3. Logical Instructions

Logical instructions perform bitwise operations like AND, OR, XOR, and NOT. These operations are essential for decision-making and manipulating data at the binary level.

Key logical instructions include:

  • AND: Performs a bitwise AND operation.
  • OR: Performs a bitwise OR operation.
  • XOR: Performs a bitwise XOR operation.
  • NOT: Inverts the bits of the operand.


AND AX, BX  ; Perform bitwise AND on AX and BX
OR CX, DX   ; Perform bitwise OR on CX and DX


These instructions are frequently used in masking and flag-checking operations during programming.

4. Control Transfer Instructions

Control transfer instructions alter the flow of the program. These include jumps, loops, and calls that allow the program to skip certain instructions, repeat instructions, or call subroutines.

Common control transfer instructions include:

  • JMP: Unconditionally jumps to a specified memory address.
  • CALL/RET: Calls a subroutine and returns from it.
  • LOOP: Repeats a block of code a specified number of times.


JMP LABEL  ; Jump to the specified label
CALL SUB   ; Call the subroutine labeled SUB
RET        ; Return from the subroutine

These instructions help control how the program executes, allowing it to react dynamically to different conditions.

5. String Manipulation Instructions

The 8086 supports a variety of string manipulation instructions, allowing operations on sequences of data stored in memory. These instructions are particularly useful for copying, comparing, and scanning large amounts of data.

Key string manipulation instructions include:

  • MOVS: Moves data from one string location to another.
  • CMPS: Compares two strings.
  • SCAS: Scans a string for a specific value.
  • REP: Repeats the string instruction a specified number of times.


MOVS BYTE  ; Move a byte from one string to another
CMPS BYTE  ; Compare two strings byte by byte


String instructions simplify operations on large datasets, making them highly efficient.

How to Write a Simple 8086 Program

Now that we’ve covered the types of instructions, let’s look at how you can use them in a simple program. This example program performs a basic task: adding two numbers and storing the result in memory.

MOV AX, 5        ; Load the value 5 into AX
MOV BX, 10       ; Load the value 10 into BX
ADD AX, BX       ; Add AX and BX, result in AX
MOV [RESULT], AX ; Store the result in memory location RESULT


In this program:

  1. The values 5 and 10 are loaded into registers AX and BX.
  2. The values are added using the ADD instruction.
  3. The result is stored in the memory location labeled RESULT.

Benefits of Understanding the 8086 Instruction Set

For students learning assembly language programming, understanding the instruction set of the 8086 microprocessor is crucial. By mastering the various types of instructions, you gain the ability to write programs that interact directly with the hardware, making you aware of how data is processed, stored, and retrieved in real-world systems.


The Intel 8086 microprocessor remains a cornerstone of computing history, and its rich instruction set continues to be an essential learning tool for students studying computer architecture. By understanding and mastering these instructions, you can learn how to write efficient assembly language programs that operate directly on the hardware. Whether you're transferring data, performing arithmetic, or controlling program flow, the 8086’s instruction set provides everything you need to interact with the system at a low level.

In the next article, we'll explore memory segmentation in the 8086 microprocessor and how it impacts programming.

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